The health benefits of olive oil in cardiovascular disease prevention: An update Georgia Samakidou, Nikolaos Katsilambros, Nikolaos Tentolouris, Evangelos Liberopoulos
Dietary Patterns and Cardiovascular Disease: A systematic review of 29 prospective studies with 1,249,644 participants, published in the last 20 years Athanasia Karagiannidi, Aikaterini Kanellopoulou, Demosthenes Panagiotakos
Cost-benefit analysis of mediterranean diet and medication in chronic heart failure patients Evangelia Tzorovili, Christina Chrysohoou, Evelina Bei, Konstantinos Konstantinou, Androniki Filippou, Stylianos Iosifidis, Demosthenes B. Panagiotakos, Dimitrios Tousoulis
Associations between erythrocyte fatty acids and Mediterranean diet in Greek volunteers Paraskevi Detopoulou, Elizabeth Fragopoulou, Renata Alepoudea, Tzortzis Nomikos, Nikos Kalogeropoulos, Smaragdi Antonopoulou
The long term effect of dietary habits and physical activity on type 2 diabetes incidence: 10-year follow up of the ATTICA study (2002-2012) Efi Koloverou, Demosthenes B Panagiotakos, Christos Pitsavos, Christina Chrysohoou, Ekavi N Georgousopoulou, Dimitris Toussoulis, Christodoulos Stefanadis
Exploration of the metabolic syndrome spectrum and its role in cardiovascular disease risk in greece, the mediating effect of mediterranean diet: results from the 10-year (2002-2012) follow-up of the attica study E. N. Georgousopoulou, G. Kouli, C. Kastorini, D. B. Panagiotakos, C. Pitsavos
Greek physician’s knowledge and viewpoints for the consumption of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids Stefanos Tyrovolas, Eleutherios Topalidis, Lida Karaveli, Demosthenes Panagiotakos
Deconstruction of the MedDietScore Components for the evaluation of Acute Coronary Syndromes V. Efthymiou, C.M. Kastorini, H. Milionis, Ε. Trichia, S. Bitsi, Κ. Kalantzi, V. Nikolaou, Κ. Vemmos, J. Goudevenos, D.B. Panagiotakos