Real world data on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality from large contemporary populations as a benchmark for validating cardiovascular risk estimation equations V. G. Athyros, Th. Griva, Ch. Koumaras, K. Tziomalos, A. Karagiannis
Amyloid-like protein formation and aortic valve calcification promoted by oxidative stress I. Mamarelis, E. Koutoulakis, Ch. Kotoulas, V. Dritsa, V. Mamareli, K. Pissaridi, M. Kyriakidou, J. Anastassopoulou
Exploration of the metabolic syndrome spectrum and its role in cardiovascular disease risk in greece, the mediating effect of mediterranean diet: results from the 10-year (2002-2012) follow-up of the attica study E. N. Georgousopoulou, G. Kouli, C. Kastorini, D. B. Panagiotakos, C. Pitsavos
2013 American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Lipid Guidelines after the 2016 American College of Cardiology Expert Panel Consensus Statement: To err is human, to admit it, divine V. G. Athyros, G. Sfikas, C. Boutari, K. Imprialos, K. Tziomalos, A. Karagiannis
Azilsartan, a promising Angiotensin II Receptor Blocker in the management of hypertension C. Antza, I. Doundoulakis, S. Stabouli, V. Kotsis