J Atherosclerosis Prev Treat. 2023 Sep-Dec;14(3):138-139| doi:10.53590/japt.02.1055
Despoina Frangou1, Zoi Tsimtsiou2, Spyros Avdimiotis3, Vasileios Kotsis1
1Third Department of Internal Medicine, Medical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
2Associate Professor, Laboratory of Hygiene, Social & Preventive Medicine and Medical Statistics, Thessaloniki, Greece
3Associate Professor, Department of Organizational Management Marketing and Tourism, International Hellenic University, Thessaloniki, Greece
Corresponding author: Vasileios Kotsis, MD, MSc, PhD, 3rd Department of Internal Medicine, Papageorgiou Hospital, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, PC: 56429 Greece, Tel.: +30 6974 748860, E-mail: vkotsis@auth.gr
Submission: 02.10.2023, Acceptance: 27.12.2023
Postgraduate study programs contribute to the upgrading of the educational system, promote scientific research therefore contributing to the development of science, and offer deepening of specialization and exploration of knowledge in relevant scientific fields. The MSc in Medical Science is a structured educational tool that strengthens the student’s understanding of the multifaceted scientific study of medicine.
Participation in the cardiovascular disease postgraduate program helped to realize the important role of a postgraduate program in the professional development of a health professional, especially when it comes to specialized knowledge. Among the many postgraduate courses offered, the health professional is invited to meet their higher-level standards and the higher goals they have set.
In addition, it is important to explore the factors that affect, at various levels, the choice in the training of human resources in the health sector and lead the health professional to make a specific decision. Until now, an extensive search of the literature has not revealed any data regarding the motivations and the factors that affect the decision of a health professional to select a post-graduate program in medicine. Also, no relevant study has been conducted in Greece.
However, it has not been found in the literature search which are the motivations and what factors affect the decision of a health professional, regarding the selection of a graduate program of studies. Also, no published relevant study was found in Greece. What are the criteria it sets and what are the real needs it wants to meet. To what extent does his choice, his personality and his behavior as a consumer affect his choice.
The purpose of the study is to investigate the motivations and selection criteria of medical graduates, regarding their participation in second cycle programs. A mixed-methodology study will be conducted to investigate the motivations and selection criteria of a second- course program of medical graduates.
Completion of the study will help to understand and identify the motivations and factors that motivate doctors to choose a second cycle curriculum. The results of the study can provide information to the organizations in the country (and abroad) about the factors that regulate the behavior of a finalized energy activation, leading to the selection of a postgraduate course. Finally, the findings of the study are expected to help offer postgraduate courses that will respond more fully to the needs of doctors, will satisfy their expectations, self-fulfillment, and self-realization needs, maximizing their potential and promoting the optimal and effective operation of the health service system.
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